3 Day long weekend
Argh photos messed up in wrong order again.
To cut long story short, a gang of 5 consisting of me, Toohan, Olga, Kailun and Soon teck went for a low budget excursion trip to a place called Beautiful Forest on Saturday while the others went for, what else, another snowboarding trip. Enjoyed myself tremendously I must admit, and for once my weekends are free of bone crunching falls and sore limbs.
Enjoy the pictures! (Though they are once again in a weird order that only blogspot can explain why.)
A tatami mat in the middle of no where. Scarly got gong tao, better not step.
Olga lost in her own world. Maybe hunting deers or something.
Soon Teck for no reason getting stuck waist-deep in snow. All the king's horses and all the king's men had to go help him up.
Trekking without mountainous water-proof shoes can prove to be a huge challenge. The return of the army foot-rot is near???
This was during the trip there. Pretty sky must take picture.
At a stopover during travelling. With the woman with the ukrainian smile.
A group photo up there. We were probably 1200 metres or feet above sea-level, which I'm not sure.
The two Luns!
A long way to go people... Led them with army songs to boost their morale.
This was before the forest chiong-sua. Climb hill on dry land first.
A very early shot of me jumping with joy.
And Kailun not really jumping with joy. More like super mario.
A river there, most notably remembered as my peeing place.
Soon Teck hates getting his feet stuck in snow.
Our picnic lunch - wine courtesy of Olga.
The spot with rocks as chairs.
Exercising legs is not enough, must work out the arms too! Snow boulder lifting time!
She resigned to becoming a weight lifter. Decided to make her snowman instead. Or rather, it turned out to be a snowwoman.
Olga's child - White chick!
And Kailun's - dunno-what-the-name man.
Getting high with the wine.
On the way down, asked an old man wearing only sandals to help with phototaking.
Finally down from the snow place.
Went to get some famous locally produced soft cream.
Tried to xian some japanese chick - tried everything I could, including using the most desperate method: soft cream bait, but to no avail. She just won't bloody look at the camera!
Ok think that's all for the Beautiful mountain trip.
Took leave on monday, so cannot waste it by sleeping at home. Went out to finally buy our most desired item since me, clarence and wilson came Japan - A made-in-japan bicycle! Coz everywhere you go, you see bicycles. To blend in with the crowd, one has got to ride a bicycle.
Sitting proudly atop my bicycle! Wooooo!!! Hope its not stolen at the parking lot downstairs. Oh, don't mind the same jacket that I wore for the trip to Beautiful Forest.
Clarence and his big red shiny bicycle that screams "COME GET A PIECE OF ME".
Wilson and his cute foldable bike.
So Japanese-looking! Ha I love it! Rides as smooth as a baby backside too!
Venturing around on our new modes of transportation.
His kampong instincts kick in whenever he sees a river. Must wash legs inside.
But his feet end up getting dirty instead.
Really, please don't mind the same jacket.
Across a blue bridge.
A nice drain.
The feat that faces them - an impossible one? Are they man enough to conquer that flight of stairs carrying their bikes?
They could, and they lived to see this - a shrine close by.
With many houses growing crops dunno for what. If i retire I want a place like this too. How nice.
My mom would be pleased to see this.
In a deserted-for-now shrine. Nice flowers though.
Settling things the dragonball style. Oh, and Wilson, stop raising your arms so high. Your fly is open like nobody's business. Again.
Clarence finishing Wilson off with his flying pork chop.
Did i mention that I want a farm like this?
Which finger is he pointing?
Did i already not mention that I want a farm like this?
Still pointing his finger at me.
And there we go. End of trip. What a day.