Sushi Express

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Baggy bag bag

Calayfaires behind us spoiling the picture. ARGHHHH damn you 3 - oh wait not supposed to swear during festive season.

All i want for xmas..... is a baggy bag bag!!!!!

No more of suffering the indignity of having to plead with XC to borrow a bag to go with my formal wear anymore. That in itself deserves full marks!

Wishing everyone a merry merry xmas for the 2nd time.

Leaving soon.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Not a white xmas

Here's wishing everybody (IF theres anyone reading this almost defunct flop of a blog) a very merry xmas.

Time for those dreaded new year resolutions to kick in again. The hardest part about them is not whether you can fulfill them; it's about coming up with new resolutions that really makes you want to pull your hair out. However, there's a solution that's quick and easy on the mind - Don't come up with any resolutions and it shall promise to be a quick and happy new year.

After pulling out almost every strand of hair available on my relatively hairless body, I've managed to come up with one: Stay happy and have a happy year.

Well that wasn't very hard at all was it?