Sushi Express

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Bonjour! Ca va? Ca va bien!

It just feels weird to suddenly type after such a long hiatus from the keyboard.

Do reprimand me for stating the obvious after so long, 4 weeks to be exact, but a man's gotta say what he's gotta say it : It's finally schooling time. The long mundane brain-tickling sessions we all endearingly term it as lectures and tutorials are back. Six months of working had, hopefully not, sapped away every memory of calculus from my brain, if there's any to begin with. As usual my engine's slowly revving up, leaving me far behind the likes of Alvin, Yilin, Yihui and, GASP, Jiawei. Horror horror horror! Jiawei's finally got his act together, and i hope you are not doing the equivalent of a 100 metre sprint in this 23km half marathon. Glad for you man keep it up haha. Who knows watching you guys piah so hard i might actually get some inspiration and hit the books soon!

So far the funnest (or funniest if there is a word to term 'most-fun') lessons are the french lessons. Thankfully the teacher from Belgium mixes wit and humour into her classes - the very elements that are sorely missing from the lectures of Mechanical yawn Aerospace Engineering. Worse still are the foreign technicians for our lab classes with only one word to describe their teaching capabilities - Horrendously disastrous. Ok so that's 2 words. And somehow schooling just doesn't seem the same anymore.

Injured my big toe today while stepping out of the toilet and slipping on my left leg which caused my right leg to kick the curb that's always found on the base of the doors of toilets thus leaving me with a bruised toe which had after 1 hour or so began to have blood clotting in the region where the nail starts to grow out from the flesh. It was damn pain but the pain subsided after some twicthing and turning. Evil friends suggested we play pepsi cola 1-2-3. Obviously i gave them the most whimsical look i could muster. So instead we played basketball, which was a very forgettable event. My lungs couldn't work; my limbs failed me; i developed the air-ball syndrome; fell down a few times after charging straight into the smelly armpits of the opponents; and we got thrashed. The only thing positive i could squeeze out is that i worked my heart, which to date i can already imagine it's arteries to be clogged full of cholesterol.

Sorry dear for making you worry about me.

Speaking of evon, we haven't been spending much quality time recently. Working at the ultrasound department must be the worst thing that can happen to her during work. Hope your stint at TTSH will be coming to an end soon dear. Making me worry too with your aching back and all. We have both aged. Just feel like giving you a tight squeeze now dear.


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