Sushi Express

Friday, May 19, 2006

Schnap snap click clack walla bang bang

Say goodbye to jobless haolun, for i am no longer a useless good for nothing citizen that has nothing to contribute to the country except for the carbon dioxide and methane constantly being emitted out of my fart engines. Yes, i shall soon see my cpf account buldging like nobody's business, thanks to the $1200 this job gives. If i ever had a name card, the word 'photographer' would be emblazoned proudly just below my name.

Yeah i am a photographer. Not one that takes pictures of borings stuff like pretty people or the old fashioned theme of landscapes. Heck, it's not even about taking photos of sceneries or even abstract stuff. Welcome the new gerneration of photographers with open arms. Embrace the new breed of shuttlers - the heartland photographer. The object of his lens - the amazingly photogenic HDB flats. The aim? To capture images of these gorgeous buildings to create a 3-d map of singapore for this company called Informap.

I am damn shag.


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