Sushi Express

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Crazy team

What else other than the word 'crazy' can you term my group and group B's members? We had our second overnight meeting at tutorial room 34 (rumor has it that group B had more than 22 such rendezvous, those market spoilers) devoted to drawing our passenger boarding bridge with the solidworks software. Painstaking. Thanks to the disgustingly time-consuming project otherwise known as 3011, said people had to meet up often and hope that after every project meeting we had moved a stride closer to the goal. Just that the stride is smaller than we had hoped for. I bet the lecturers gleefully named this subject MP3011, knowing that it will take no lesser than 3011 man hours for every group to complete it. What i can pray for is that those 3011 man hours will be accident free.

Yay finally can meet dear today, so i decided to forgo my sleep in case i woke up late! Ha ha I am as daft as the duck that just drank dozens of draft beer.


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